The Catapult Effect
Welcome to The Catapult Effect Podcast, designed for two distinct groups: professionals ready to transform their challenges into growth and resilience, and first responders seeking to counteract the stress of their demanding work.
Each episode will feature either:
- Expert Interviews: Insights from leading experts to help you catapult forward quickly.
- Solo Episodes: In-depth discussions providing a deeper understanding of your current experiences.
Season 2 is dedicated to first responders.
Season 3 focuses on professionals.
Don't miss out on Season 1 when it was known as The Pain Changer®. Discover valuable wisdom on pain management and various techniques to reduce pain.
Tune in and start your journey to transformation and resilience!
The Catapult Effect
Understanding Energy - Part 1
In this episode, Katie Wrigley delves into the significance of energy and vibrational levels, emphasizing how they impact our lives and health. She discusses the difference between forceful and powerful energies, the importance of clearing stuck energy, and how Cognomovement can help rewire the nervous system for healing. Through personal anecdotes and client success stories, Katie illustrates the transformative potential of understanding and managing our energy.
- Energy is a fundamental aspect of our existence.
- Negative emotions can lead to physical ailments if not addressed.
- Cognomovement is a powerful tool for releasing stuck energy.
- The nervous system plays a crucial role in our health and well-being.
- Healing requires acknowledging and processing emotions.
- The journey of healing is unique for everyone.
Credit: Tom Giovingo, Intro & Outro, Random Voice Guy, Professional ‘Cat‘ Herder
Mixed & Managed: JohnRavenscraft.com
Disclaimer: Katie is not a medical professional and she is not qualified to diagnose any conditions. The advice and information she gives is based on her own experience and research. It does not take the place of medical advice. Always consult a medical professional first before you try anything new.
Katie Wrigley (00:00.856)
Welcome back to another episode of the Catapult Effect. I am your host, Katie Wrigley. Today I want to take a deeper dive into energy and where most episodes are beneficial when you listen or watch, this one I really want to encourage you to watch on YouTube because I'm going to be showing you things that are some of the best visual representations of what we're going to be talking about as far as how important energy is, understanding what vibrational level you may be at now.
and things that we can do to help raise that vibrational level. So stay tuned, that is coming right up.
Thank you again so much for joining me today. I know you have your choice of a lot of different things to listen to on the internet and I love that you are the type of person borrowing this from Mel Robbins that is choosing to listen to something that is going to benefit your life and the lives of those you love. So let's talk about energy. I'm going to share a chart that the Cognitive Movement team, Liz Larson and Bill McKenna, utilize and walk through during their
flagship event which is Cognoconcious. Cognoconcious is held every year out usually around September time frame in gorgeous San Diego, California. This event has nothing short of miraculous and I know that sounds ridiculous but having participated three times and having facilitated another three times on top of that, the amount of transformation and the amount of progress that people are able to make in this short period of time that the event happens
makes it very undeniable the importance of energy and clearing out stuck energy from your body. So what they utilize is this map of consciousness that was created by David R. Hawkins who wrote Power vs. Force. And then Bill McKenna has since improved on this, or not improved, but he's expanded it, created something called the Map of Awareness. I will link to that in the show notes so that you can check that out as well.
Katie Wrigley (02:04.426)
and talking about how we can be in the three-dimensional which is what Earth is but energetically, spiritually we can actually access fourth and fifth dimensions and what that looks like. For the intent of this episode we're going to stick in the 3D and I encourage you just check out that map of awareness that Bell's created and again I will link it here in the show notes. So...
hope you're watching this on YouTube. If you're listening along, I am going to do my best to try to explain a little bit, but I really want to encourage you to check this out on YouTube and watch the episode and see what I'm showing. So as you can see here, I'm going to show this here. I could be able to see my face for a minute, which is totally cool. So you see here, we've got all these levels at the bottom that are yellow and it says force by them. And then we have levels that are blue and it says power by them.
Forceful energy levels are like shame, guilt, apathy, guilt, I'm sorry not guilt, grief, fear, desire, anger, and pride. So a forceful energy, let's first talk about that. The difference between a forceful and a powerful energy is a forceful energy is one that is going to be draining your life force. There is a negative impact to it.
and it's pulling energy from your nervous system to continue to hold that energy in your body. Now one of the things that we hear a lot is when is why in the world is pride a forceful energy? And this does also apply of being proud of someone else. But what we're really talking about there is if we get too prideful we get too much in our ego.
What happens with that is we start to get demanding, we start to get indignant, we start to get inflamed, and then now we're shooting back down to the anger level, which is right below pride. Now when we talk about powerful energy, this is energy that's going to be empowering us, that is not going to be draining us. Another way that I've heard this spoken to was through the training I did at IPEC, where we talk about, my gosh, now I'm totally forgetting the terms, but they basically have
Katie Wrigley (04:19.59)
terms for positive and negative energy and of course I'm blanking on it right now. But if we continue to look at this chart with the powerful energies it starts at courage and then it continues to go up. We've got neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace and at the top is enlightenment. These are all energetic levels that are going to be boosting you and now courage I want to go back there because courage
this is according to Liz Larson, the co-creator of Cognoumovement, is courage is feeling fear and doing it anyway. And so even though it is at the bottom of the powerful energy, because when you push through you're going to feel really good, there is still fear thing to it. So that one is actually an energy level that could actually train you if you're stalling out too long to take action on that thing that you want to take action on.
We want to try to get into these higher energy levels because this is where all the things become possible. When we're operating at a level of love, meaning we're at a place where we can let everybody be exactly as they are, we know what's our lane, we know what's their lane, we fully embraced Mel Robbins, let them theory, letting them be themselves, allowing you to be yourself. This is where...
we really feel that fulfillment and that peace that is available to us as human beings. When you are running a pattern and this is why it is so important to acknowledge your emotions, allow yourself to feel them and release them from the physical body. When you are running a shame pattern, a guilt pattern, apathy, grief, grief is a huge one. If those are still running in your body, it is going to be very hard.
to be able to stay up at a level of peace, joys, love, enlightenment, all of those, they may be accessible for you to brief periods of time, but because of the weight of those negative energies, you will not be able to stay up there very long without assistance of some sort. So you're going to want to clear out those energetic levels because the assistance, I don't actually know of any healthy assistance to stay at those levels.
Katie Wrigley (06:39.68)
other than clearing out the stuff that is bringing you down. The other importance of this and where people tend to not make the correlation, myself included, is when you are running these patterns and grief, grief is a heavy hitter. It really is. mean, shame is the heaviest and then guilt, apathy. Grief has so complex and most of us have not learned how to process grief in a healthy way.
This is going to make a difference. When you're running these patterns, if you don't have them out of the body, it is going to take a toll on the physical body. A lot of these emotions can be the outcome of trauma, especially shame and guilt, thinking we could have done something differently. And there is grief, especially if it's a severe trauma. There's grief for the way it could have been that it doesn't get to be. So a lot of these energetic levels are coming out of trauma.
and experts like Gabor Mate are starting to talk about the link between conditions like autoimmune disease and trauma. And I believe the stats say that 80 % of people who acquire an autoimmune disease have experienced trauma in their life. Now this does not mean if you've experienced trauma you're going to have an autoimmune disease. I've had a lot of trauma in my life and I do not have an autoimmune disease. I was probably on my way to getting one before I started changing things.
but I've actually been able to reverse some of the health conditions by dealing with this energy that was stuck in my body. And the same thing is available for you. What we don't tend to link is that we can have a horrific loss. And then we've seen, and I've seen data around this, two years later or so suddenly you get a cancer diagnosis and you aren't linking those two events. They're too far apart in time.
But there is a link to breast cancer in particular about a major loss and then the culmination of the disease. And to be clear, I am not saying it is your fault to get cancer. No way, shape or form is that what I am saying. What I am saying is that by not addressing specific energy that is literally eating away at your body, you're making yourself more susceptible to diseases and the scary ass diseases like cancer.
Katie Wrigley (09:07.182)
lupus, multiple sclerosis, things that can really impact your life. Going way beyond with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis. A lot of times there is a preceding event or trauma that is linked to those diseases getting created. And part of the reason this happens is because as a human you are so adaptable and you are so resilient. And one of the first things we do when we've experienced something, in large part because we've been taught,
to push it down. Pushing it down doesn't get rid of the feelings. Pushing it down holds it in the body, which is where you do not want it to go. So that leads me to the next point. How do you release this from your body? I'm going to stay focused on my favorite way to release energy because this is also the most impactful and powerful way that I have seen so far and that is Cognitive Movement.
Cognitive movement is going to help you remove these energetic levels and neutralize them in your body. So through the eye movements and body movements, we can focus on what physical sensation correlates with that energy level and help clear it out. Now, if some of the terms I'm saying today are new, cognoconscious, cognome movement, you are new to the show and I'm so happy to have you here, cognoconscious,
was the event where I permanently changed my pain. And now it did still take some time to fully unlearn those pain patterns. But the moment in time when you change your pain and you have an absence of pain, that is the thing that did it. You can go back to it over and over again and continue to teach your brain that it can let go of the pain patterns. And that moment in time came for me because of Cognoconscious.
And at that point I was ready to give up. was awaiting a neurosurgery consult. I got to cancel the consult and that was in 2020. And in 2024, I did a half marathon. I broke through a 25 year pain pattern by utilizing cognitive movement. Now cognitive movement isn't what got rid of my chronic pain. What I did is I rewired my nervous system so that the perception is different. And so this is how it works.
Katie Wrigley (11:32.814)
Cognitive movement rewires your nervous system and allows you to live with more peace, more ease around whatever chronic condition you may have. And now why do I say that I that's not what fixed it? It's that I rewired it. Cognitive movement is not medical. So I can't honestly sit here and say that cognitive movement got rid of my chronic pain. But I can say that it helped me with the energy around it. It helped me with the emotions that I was feeling.
around this chronic pain. It helped with neutralizing those emotions. Cognitive movement is also getting get into the middle of the pain loop that runs between your brain where pain is created and through that peripheral nerve somewhere in your body or multiple places in your body that's bringing that pain signal back. Cognitive movement gets in the middle of that allowing for different perspectives and different perception that allow you to break free.
from some of the things that keep you locked in pain.
We have seen over and over again multiple people who have been able to permanently change their pain state. We have seen multiple cases where there has been spontaneous remission after someone has had their nervous system rewired around even cancerous tumors. Anecdotally, we've seen that. It is the rewiring of the nervous system. The nervous system is the master system in all the body. And so when you have a way to gently access it,
It's a matter of time to figure out what the body needs to have more ease and more peace within the physical existence. And as a human being, you are incredibly powerful. The chances are you don't know that power. And part of what I mean by that is when you give your nervous system a chance to release this energy, it's going to take it. Your nervous system is well aware
Katie Wrigley (13:33.504)
of the energy that you are spending to push down all of these emotions that can turn into disease, that can turn into other conditions, it is aware of the energy it takes to do that. It's holding them down because it doesn't feel safe to release it. When you set up the nervous system to feel safe and have a safe space to release these emotions, that's where you can change your whole life. And we have seen it over and over and over again.
I'm gonna give you an example you've already heard from one of my clients, Anita, an amazing woman out of Norway. And there's another client that I'm gonna give an alias to and her name is Becky. And Becky and I did a session about a year ago and the report after the session was that she actually felt a lot better. There was one quadrant where her eyes didn't wanna go and we see that sometimes. A lot of the eye movements are giving us direct access into the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is not going to reveal something to you that you are not ready to know. And if it's irrelevant, also not going to reveal it to you. And this means that sometimes we may have blocks that we use different techniques around in cognitive movement to help move past that and help get access to that part of the subconscious mind when the body is ready to do so.
Becky decided after that first session, she felt huge changes and she also felt like she had been cracked wide open and all of the emotions that she had been holding in, holding down were suddenly wide open and available. Becky had also been struggling with symptoms of Lyme disease for 15 years, had a very hard time getting out of bed, had high levels of pain, low levels of energy and was really having a hard time functioning in life.
She and I committed to doing multiple sessions together and over the course of six months, I got to watch Becky completely transform. Her life looks nothing like it did a year ago and every time I see her, she is filled with gratitude over how different it is. She doesn't even look like the same person. She has a lot more energy. She has a lot less pain. She's been able to actually eliminate some of the coping tools that she was still using, healthy ones.
Katie Wrigley (15:55.832)
but she was able to eliminate those and be able to just live and be herself. And it's also given her clarity on what her body means from her in order to continue to heal and rest. But to be clear, I didn't get rid of her Lyme disease. What I did was I helped her rewire her nervous system and now she's living with grace, ease, peace, love, she's joyful.
She's reconnecting with new people in her life. She's allowing for higher vibrational people to come in and her life looks nothing like it did a year ago. So as we wrap up, I want you to consider what do you want to change in your life? And how cool would it be to look back a year from now and say, hey, I did it. I can't even believe how far I've come in a year. And with Cognitive Movement, there's a chance you may not even need a year. Becky didn't.
She worked with me for six months and she's continuing to do a lot of cognitive movement on her own and she's actually been trained in cognitive movement now as well.
Katie Wrigley (17:03.82)
So you never know what's possible, but allowing yourself to heal those energies, allowing yourself to neutralize in the body and rewire your nervous system around them, that is going to give you an entirely different life. Thank you so much for joining me today. And as we wrap up, I wanna share with you a special announcement.
There's been a huge demand for my services as well as other Cognitive Movement Practitioner services as of late, and the demand is increasing more and more and more. We've actually had numerous people start to join the practitioner program as well. So this is really exciting to see this momentum. And also what it means is that on March 1st, 2025, my rates are going to be going up. So here's the offer that I have for you. If you've been curious about
trying Cognitive Movement, I want you to reach out to me now and I want you to email me or text me at 678-314-3194 and I want you to say I'm in. And so the way this will work is if you put down a deposit, even if you just try one session, you don't have to do a long commitment, but if you do one session, my promise to you is that if you come back to me in a year, two years, maybe you're not ready to engage, maybe financially you aren't ready.
But if you come back to me in a year, two, three, five years, I'm going to honor the rates that I have today in February of 2025. So I encourage you to do this now. All you need to do is pay for that first session by February 28th, 2025, and you will be grandfathered in to my current rates for the foreseeable future. I trust that this episode was helpful, and I really encourage you to reach out, book some time with me.
Let's have a chat so I can get to know you better. Have a wonderful rest of your day. Come back again next week. We're going to be exploring more about energy and the importance of monitoring your energy and raising that vibration. And we're going to dive deeper into what it gives you when you're doing that as well. And until then, please be well.