The Catapult Effect
Welcome to The Catapult Effect Podcast, designed for two distinct groups: professionals ready to transform their challenges into growth and resilience, and first responders seeking to counteract the stress of their demanding work.
Each episode will feature either:
- Expert Interviews: Insights from leading experts to help you catapult forward quickly.
- Solo Episodes: In-depth discussions providing a deeper understanding of your current experiences.
Season 2 is dedicated to first responders.
Season 3 focuses on professionals.
Don't miss out on Season 1 when it was known as The Pain Changer®. Discover valuable wisdom on pain management and various techniques to reduce pain.
Tune in and start your journey to transformation and resilience!
The Catapult Effect
The Power of Intention
In this episode of the Catapult Effect podcast, Katie Wrigley discusses the significance of intent and energy in our daily lives. She emphasizes how setting a clear intention can influence our experiences and outcomes, using personal anecdotes and examples from her work with clients.
The episode explores the neuroscience behind intention, the impact of mindset on our interactions, and the importance of clarity in communication, especially during difficult conversations. Katie encourages listeners to practice setting their intent to foster positive experiences and personal growth.
- Intent can significantly influence outcomes in our lives.
- Setting clear intentions helps our brain focus on desired outcomes.
- Energy attracts like energy; positive mindsets attract positive experiences.
- Dreading an event can lead to a negative experience; changing intent can alter that.
- Practicing intent-setting can enhance everyday experiences.
Credit: Tom Giovingo, Intro & Outro, Random Voice Guy, Professional ‘Cat‘ Herder
Mixed & Managed: JohnRavenscraft.com
Disclaimer: Katie is not a medical professional and she is not qualified to diagnose any conditions. The advice and information she gives is based on her own experience and research. It does not take the place of medical advice. Always consult a medical professional first before you try anything new.
Katie Wrigley (00:00.91)
Welcome back to another episode of the Catapult Effect podcast. I am so grateful to have you here with me today. This month, we are gonna be talking about the importance of intent and energy and how much it is impacting the things that you're doing day to day that you may not even realize. So stay tuned. First episode focused on energy is coming right up.
Thank you again for joining me today. My name is Katie Wrigley and I am so grateful that you chose of all the things to listen to on the internet, you chose to tune into the show that can actually help you change things and improve the value of your life. So last week we had the amazing Anita from Norway share her incredible story and how far she has come through her journey both before she was with Cognitive Movement.
using Cognitive Movement on her own and then what she has been able to do since she and I have been working together. She's absolutely blows me away with what she's been able to do and what I love about it is her story is unique to hers but it is repeatable. I've seen client after client get the same results that Anita's had and so what I want to talk about this week is intent. So if you listen to Anita's story her intent
when she got to that point where she just she couldn't deal with it anymore and her intent was to heal. She wasn't focused on the fear and I'm sure she was feeling it. She was very honest with all the things that were happening with her and she still intended to heal and that intent can make a huge difference and we can use this in little situations and we can use it in big situations and intent
very easy to misunderstand as well. We want to be super clear with what we intend and it's more important that we get clear with our intent before we even speak and before we even worry about whether someone else is misunderstanding us. So what do I mean by intention? When you set your intention you are telling your brain this is the way I want things to go. This is the how I want or I desire whatever your word is.
Katie Wrigley (02:18.21)
This is how I desire this event to go. So as an example, let's go to the holidays, right? That can be a mixed bag for some people. Some people really love it. Some people hate them. I've honestly have mixed feelings myself over the years. And after one season that hadn't been so great, I found myself kind of dreading going into this person's house again. I'm going to leave them nameless. I'm even going to mention whether it's family or not.
But I had a lot of just resistance to it. I felt a little bit like a cat being held over a bathtub and like just didn't want to go. And I was like, you know what, Katie, you committed to going. You are going. You're 15 minutes away. You're closer to that house than you are to yours. What do you want this to be? And so I said out loud, I intend for this to be the best holiday celebration I've ever had.
that everybody's going to be joyous, no one's going to fight, we're going to have a wonderful time, and we're really going to enjoy each other. And I really let myself feel in that moment what that was going to feel like, what that looked like. And that was actually what happened. And it may not always be that simple and that straightforward. Like I'm using a situation that could go bad or good, but it's one of those meaning
Everybody could have gone totally off their rocker, started fighting and yelling at each other. Not likely in that crowd, but it may not have been as peaceful as it was. But it really was the nicest holiday I had ever had. And a big part of that was because I decided that it was going to be that way. So what did I actually do there? What actually happened? What is happening when you are setting your intent? You aren't controlling anybody else.
You are letting everybody do their thing, just like Mel Robbins says from the let them theory, and you're letting yourself.
Katie Wrigley (04:26.478)
create the space and make possible that the space for a good situation to occur. You are allowing that possibility to happen. That's it. That's all you're doing. And so when we look at the neuroscience behind that, what you're doing is you're triggering your, I think it's the RAS system, reticular, I can't say what it's reticular activation system, I think it's something that they talk about in NLP. But basically the
principle behind it is what you look for you will find and so when you are setting your intent that is what your brain is going to look for and So you are more likely to find it Because you were looking for and I know that seems so silly. It's like well Why wouldn't I have just had a good holiday if I didn't set that intent? Well think about it. So how would you imagine so go into your own life?
Just using myself as an example, this isn't about me. But think in your own life. When you've gone into a situation and you've been in a bad mood and you haven't wanted to be there and you needed to be there, was that a pleasant experience for you? Probably not. You were probably looking for subconscious reasons to be angry and reasons to be frustrated and annoyed.
because you decided that it was going to suck before you went in and it very well may. Like you can practice this with the suckiest of events if you want to and try it out and see what happens when you change your intent. But what's happening when you're going in with that mindset? You are more likely to be angry, frustrated, pissed off, all the things because that's how you go into it.
Now take that same example. You've got to go to some event and you are just dreading it. But then you're like, you know what? I know this is going to suck. I know that this isn't my favorite event and I'm really going to make the most of it. I am going to find some way or some thing that is enjoyable in this event. If I'm going to be here,
Katie Wrigley (06:52.202)
then I'm gonna make the best of it and I'm gonna enjoy it. And now you have two completely different mindsets going into the exact same situation. And the person who's dreading it and is all caught up in the dread and the angst and the fear and I'm gonna be unpacking the way that this attached it. This works within your body in episodes after this one this month. But that person with that negative mindset, that is the lens that they're looking for or looking through.
They're angry at people. So they're going to be attracting other angry people. How well does that usually go when we got multiple angry people together, right? Also frustration, like energy attracts like energy. You're going to be gravitating more towards more people who are frustrated. Now at whatever this hypothetical event is, chances are there's also people who love it. As much as you dread it, there's people who love it.
And so when you now go in with that mindset of I'm going to find some way to make this night enjoyable, now you're more likely to find those people who are excited about it. And now their excitement energy is going to be available to you that you may be able to actually adopt for yourself of like, wow, this didn't suck at all. I thought it was going to be horrible and it wasn't. And it's because you were allowing that space for possibility.
and for you to have a good time and you have decided that you are going to find something that's making that night really fun and worthwhile for you. So guess what your brain is looking for ways to make it fun and worthwhile. Whereas the angry mindset person, they're going to keep looking for reasons to be angry, frustrated, irritated, annoyed, watching the clock and waiting for the event to be over. The person who has decided that they are open to the possibility that even if it's not their favorite event,
they may actually be able to enjoy themselves and they have decided they have set their intention that that is exactly what they are going to do, they are much more likely to enjoy themselves in those situations. So that's one of the ways you can use intent. And then going back to Anita's story, because she was so laser focused on healing, that is what her brain found. It brought her to the people.
Katie Wrigley (09:16.766)
and to the modality that was the most helpful to her. And I'm not saying that other modalities are not helpful. Cognitive movement is its own special thing and it can do things that I have not been able to see anybody else do with other modalities, other techniques. It is absolutely incredible what can be done with that ball. And Anita is just one of many examples of people who have set their intent, they have decided that they are going to heal and they do.
And there are so many other examples of this within the Cognitive Movement community alone, let alone in the greater world. Tony Robbins is another example of someone who set his intent. I don't remember all the details exactly, but I've heard stories of before he was big, when he was living out of his car, he was still giving away money to other people. His intent was to succeed.
His intent was to be of service and his intent was to succeed by being of service in ways that only Tony Robbins can be. And it worked for him. His intent was to be of service. And so that is what he became. That is a really great example of where intent can take you. And I can't promise you're gonna be as big as Tony Robbins if you set your intent that way.
But wouldn't it be cool to find out what could be possible, what is possible, when you do set your intent. Maybe you are going to be the next Tony Robbins. Maybe you're going to be the next big whatever in a sport or on stage or whatever it is that lights you up. Your intent, your mindset is going to be a huge indicator in how far you go and how much you're enjoying it as you go into it.
you really want to set your intent. And now when we're talking about intention and conversation, especially when we're talking about having a difficult conversation where the other person may not be that open to what we need to say or what we need to hear sometimes, we want to get really clear what is our intent of that conversation? What is our goal?
Katie Wrigley (11:39.254)
And if you're finding that your intent is to make them hurt and uncomfortable, maybe pause before you have that conversation and wait until you're a little less angry and you don't want to keep hurting that person. Now, if your intent is to help clear the air or whatever it may be, clear the air, clear the clear any confusion that's out there, or maybe it's to help lift the other person up.
Maybe it's to help them if they're willing and open, of course, to see a blind spot that they've been asking for help around and they really want to see and your intent is to help that person. And maybe you know that it's something that's going to be really hard for them to accept. But because your intent is to help them, you are much more likely to be able to find the words and reach them and help it be easier for them.
to receive that support and to be open to it and to be open to that constructive feedback. Constructive feedback can be a little bit tricky and depending on what kind of triggers you're holding in yourself, sometimes it can feel hurtful. If we're feeling really sensitive or insecure about how we're feeling or how we're doing something and someone gives us constructive feedback, even if their intent is really good, we may have a little bit of rejection.
But when you can communicate, hey, I would like to share with you something that I've noticed. Are you open to feedback? And I would like to share this because I think it would really help you. And I respect you as a person and thought this may be useful. If they say no, then you need to respect that because you just said you respect them. So if you actually respect them, then don't share your opinion. But if they are open, then that's your place. And you've clearly set your intent.
You want to help. You want to share feedback if they're open. And it's because you want to help them improve. A lot of people are going to be open to that. They may not know how to ask, but a lot of people are going to be open to that. Your intent though of how you go into things really check it and notice what matters to you. What do you need out of this thing? What are you hoping to get? And get super, super clear on that.
Katie Wrigley (14:03.224)
before any situation, before any conversation, get really clear on what you intend, and then get into alignment with that intent. Okay, how do I best express this intent? And see what happens. So give this a shot. The next time you have to go someplace where you don't want to go, maybe you got a doctor's appointment or the dentist or something else, and you're like, I don't want to go. To see what happens if you're like, hey, you know what? I am going to try what Katie said, and I am going to...
Find something to enjoy about this dentist appointment. Just give it a shot. See what happens. Thank you so much for joining me. Come back again next week. We're going to dive a little bit deeper into energy and how it is impacting you and the importance of knowing what energetic level you're vibrating at and how you can raise it and ways to avoid to stay to keep from lowering it. That is going to be coming up next week and until then, please be well.