The Catapult Effect

Transforming Pain into Power - Anita's Story

Katie Wrigley


In this episode of the Catapult Effect podcast, host Katie Wrigley interviews her client Anita Eganaes, who shares her transformative journey through CognoMovement. Anita discusses her struggles with chronic pain and mental health, her experiences with various healing modalities, and how CognoMovement has significantly improved her quality of life. 

The conversation explores themes of personal growth, the importance of professional support, spiritual awakening, and the impact of healing on relationships and daily activities. Anita emphasizes the value of patience and self-investment in the healing process, ultimately expressing gratitude for the positive changes in her life.


  • Anita experienced chronic pain and mental health struggles before CognoMovement.
  • CognoMovement helped Anita regain energy and improve her physical abilities.
  • The process of healing can lead to a deeper connection with oneself and others.
  • Anita's relationships have improved as she has changed her frequency and stress levels.
  • Professional support is crucial for addressing deeper issues in the healing process.
  • Patience is essential in the Cognitive Movement journey, as progress takes time.
  • Investing in oneself is key to achieving desired results in life.
  • Celebrating any progress, no matter how small, is important in the healing journey.


Complimentary virtual chat with Katie

Learn more about Cognomovement



Credit: Tom Giovingo, Intro & Outro, Random Voice Guy, Professional ‘Cat‘ Herder

Mixed & Managed:

Disclaimer: Katie is not a medical professional and she is not qualified to diagnose any conditions. The advice and information she gives is based on her own experience and research. It does not take the place of medical advice. Always consult a medical professional first before you try anything new.

Katie Wrigley (00:00.82)
Welcome back to the Catapult Effect podcast. I am your host, Katie Wrigley. I am so excited to bring you this episode today because this is a very first in the Catapult Effect. I have a client with me who I have had the honor of working with for about the past year. And we've taken a couple breaks in there, but for the most part, we've been working consistently for a year and she is an absolutely incredible human being.

and what she has been able to do for herself even prior to starting to work with me is absolutely amazing. And so we are bringing her on next, so stay tuned. That is coming right up.

Thank you again for joining me today. And today I have with me a wonderful human being coming out of Norway and I'm going to do my best to say her last name correctly, but I have a really hard time enunciating some words. I have with me the lovely Anita Egenaes Did I say that right? Yay, I did. Okay, awesome. She is coming to us live from Norway today. And Anita, I would love if you can just let the listener know like what your life

was looking at before you found Cognomovement like what your day-to-day existence was and what some of the struggles that you were having.

Anita (01:20.686)
very sick. I've been sick all my life. I'm searching for something to getting better in my life. I have been coached, NLP, everything with the body I have learned but I still miss something. And I get some better and in 20...

Katie Wrigley (01:42.197)

Anita (01:47.918)
2017 I was trying suicide because I couldn't deal with the pain anymore But suddenly I saw something in I was searching for something to release my pain and afterwards I suddenly saw the pain changer so I get the E

email from you and read this one and then I saw Cognou Movement and wondered what the heck is that. So I went in and saw Cognou Movement and then I bought of course Courses Essential and started with myself and my list was long. Very long.

Katie Wrigley (02:23.004)

Katie Wrigley (02:32.351)

Katie Wrigley (02:39.69)
That's awesome. And I also have a long list, full disclosure. So what started to shift as you started to do the Cognomovement Essentials, which for the listener who may not have heard of this before, it's actually a video bundle that the Cognomovement team, Liz Larson and Bill McKenna, the creator and co-creator of Cognomovement , they put together this beautiful module set that you have access to for life. It teaches you how to do a Cognomovement session on your own. And you can start to use those videos to start to help yourself.

with whatever it is you're working through. So Anita, what did you notice started to change once you started to do Cognomovement Essentials?

Anita (03:18.29)
my brain went, you know. I start with the easy ones first and then my list get longer and longer and longer and I felt more and more the big ones. So I bought more courses to take the big ones. And then I found you to take session with you. So it has been, you can't.

Katie Wrigley (03:25.728)

Anita (03:47.84)
even explain it because you have to live it, you have to feel it, you have to do it because the changes is so big in every area I could almost have a problem with my legs, my hips, my back, my everything I could I have trouble with walking, exercising

Katie Wrigley (03:50.646)

Katie Wrigley (04:08.17)

Anita (04:15.948)
breathing, you know, everything and you know it's all gone.

Katie Wrigley (04:21.682)
God. my gosh. So when you say you had trouble walking and you live on a farm, correct, Anita, which means that there is a lot to do every single day to take care of the animals, to take care of the land, to take care of all the things. Were you able to do that prior to finding cognitive movement? How difficult was it to keep up with the day to day doing?

Anita (04:28.599)

Anita (04:41.206)
It was very difficult. I was in the bed for a couple, three days and then get up again and so we bed again and lots of pain. So when the snow come this year, I think I was the only one who was sharing on the snow in Norway because I could do the shuffling. Yes. So I was so excited. I'm so good.

Katie Wrigley (05:04.403)

Katie Wrigley (05:07.765)

Anita (05:09.076)
Everything is okay now with my body.

Katie Wrigley (05:11.958)
I love that. So it used to be that you had to be in bed for two to three days at a time. How much energy do you have now, Anita?

Anita (05:13.4)

Anita (05:20.158)
my god! It's like you have been waking up again from the life. You can do... I can do everything. I have more energy than the people who is not sick. So I'm like Duracell, you know, the battery, Duracell.

Katie Wrigley (05:37.034)

Katie Wrigley (05:43.324)
Yep. Yeah. Or the little the Energizer bunny with the little bunny on the drum. Yeah.

Anita (05:48.94)
Yes, yes and no problem with energy now, no problem.

Katie Wrigley (05:56.084)
Yeah. And that's, it's been so awesome to watch you on this journey too. And I want to go back what you said about shoveling snow, because we had a conversation about that with one of our sessions and I had experienced something similar. The first year I was here, the guy that plows my driveway, he also shoveled for me because that was not available at that point in time. And then the year after that, I was like, I can actually do this. And so now like,

Now, the novelty of being able to shovel is kind of over. So I'm like, oh, I got to shovel. But for the last three years, I'm like, I could shovel. And it may seem counterintuitive if you've never lost the ability to do something. The things that used to feel like chores wind up actually feeling like gifts and privileges because you are able to do them again. And so it's kind of an extra bonus of doing this level of healing is that the stuff that used to resent.

Now you're so excited because, I can do this again. I can do it again.

Anita (06:53.336)

Katie Wrigley (06:57.182)
Nice. So how has this impacted your relationships in the world? Anita, do you feel like therapy or closer to people or more disconnected? How has this been on the relationships in your life?

Anita (07:11.178)
my god, so much has happening. People have gone out, of course, and new people have come in, of course, because I changed my frequency and the nervous system and all that. And the stress in the body is like almost like zero every day. And that's also...

Katie Wrigley (07:24.832)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Katie Wrigley (07:38.772)
Mmm, wow.

Anita (07:40.844)
very nice. I know I don't care so much about other stuff, other people's, I can help them in that kind of way but it's not mine.

Katie Wrigley (07:42.281)
Yeah, that is.

Katie Wrigley (07:54.946)
Mm-hmm. more clear boundaries of what's yours, what's not yours. Beautiful. Awesome. And you already mentioned all the ways that it's helped your health. And then if you look at the spiritual side of life or what a lot of people in America refer to as religion, depending on your upbringing, what has changed, if anything, in the spiritual practices that you have, Anita, since Cognomovement?

Anita (07:58.358)

Anita (08:05.253)

Anita (08:21.646)
I'm a very spiritual person. I've always been talking to whoever is there to talk to me. And after Kongnu I can hear much more clearly what they are saying to me. And now it's... I want more of course, but now I'm so open that I can sit in a conversation and suddenly...

Katie Wrigley (08:39.051)

Anita (08:49.964)
Somebody's coming and tell the person what to do to help them So it's much more Downloading if you could call it downloading And I always have been traveling out of my body in the night, but now I can more say where to and what to and what kind of problem I want to resolve and boom the next day

Katie Wrigley (08:53.867)

Katie Wrigley (09:00.118)

Anita (09:19.37)
It is there. So everything is much clearer. Much more in contact with yourself.

Katie Wrigley (09:27.594)
And you know, and if we look at how this is happening or why, like depending on what someone's belief system is, and there's a lot, but I personally believe there is a higher power. It's just been undeniable to me. honestly, having believing in a God is the only way it makes sense that I'm still alive with all the things that I've done over the course of my life. Like that's the only way it makes sense. seriously, even my best friend who identifies as atheist, she's like, you weren't wrong.

Anita (09:50.446)

Anita (09:56.142)

Katie Wrigley (09:57.27)
Actually, I think I may believe you, Katie. But when we clear out these lower level energies, and what I mean by that is shame, guilt, anger, fear, these are really heavy energies on the physical body. And when you're running a pattern that has shame, guilt, fear, grief, any of those really draining emotions,

It's pulling away from being in a higher vibration and everything in the spiritual realm is a higher vibration. So you don't have as much access to it purely on an energetic level. And this is something that I've seen and witnessed firsthand and through other clients and other practitioner friends is feeling more connected to Source, feeling like everything is so much clearer and it really heightens intuition as well.

You know, and we've actually been able to prove a science. have the chakra system in the body. used to be considered, woo, science has proven it's there. And the one right on your forehead, that's our intuition, that gut sense that tells you when to get out of dodge, when you should stay, that gets stronger and stronger. So that's been part of your experience as well, Anita. Nice, awesome. And then without divulging details, because this is very personal to a lot of people, has your financial.

Anita (11:10.22)
Yes. Yes.

Katie Wrigley (11:18.76)
life shifted or improved or been impacted at all.

Anita (11:25.89)
have not had so much trouble in that area but it's more like you know I know now that abundance of all is coming I don't have to know where it's coming from it's just coming so you don't use lots of energy to think about it that's very nice

Katie Wrigley (11:43.648)
Beautiful. I love that.

Katie Wrigley (11:49.588)
Yep. Yeah, like, I think it's Dr. Joe Dispenza that says like, put your energy out there into the things you can't see and you just trust and let it do its thing. Yeah, that is beautiful. I'm so happy for you and I'm so excited for all the things that you've been able to create for yourself. So for someone who may be doing Cognomovement or maybe they're curious about Cognomovement and they aren't really sure which way to go, would you be able to speak to

Anita (11:59.906)

Katie Wrigley (12:17.504)
how it helped you before you started to work with me one-on-one doing sessions, and then what changed for you when you started to do that one-to-one work with me.

Anita (12:27.79)
It was very easy with the videos from Bill and Essential and all this because you can do it with the video on and you can do it over and over and over again, but then it comes to a more bigger problem and maybe problem you don't want to see or don't want to feel but you know the other then you have to reach out to a practitioner because that's

just one session and boom you're over. Big ones. So I take all the small ones for myself, but the big ones is more difficult because I used to say you are not a prophet in your own country. You have to use somebody else who can help to see things from outside and in. So for me, it's very important to...

Katie Wrigley (13:15.199)

Anita (13:25.634)
when I come to this resistance and I know something is there, it's more bigger and I can feel it all over the place, then I take a session with the practitioner and that's you. And would be a waste.

Katie Wrigley (13:36.182)
Yeah, and.

You answered that question so perfectly, it almost like just to the person listening, we didn't script that. But I actually had that exact same conversation with someone last night. He was going through something big. She's a practitioner. She's wonderful. I was like, hey, have you reached out to anybody? Nope, but I'm doing it on my own. Like, awesome. You're doing it on your own.

And when there's, I refer to those as the boulders in our nervous system, right? Like when there's a boulder that needs to get out of the way, we're going to want some help to roll it. You know, but if it's like the size of a soccer ball or it's a little smaller, it's just a rock that maybe it takes some effort to pick up, but we're able to do it. Those are the sessions we can do on our own. But that big stuff, like it's been there for a while. It's at the subconscious level.

So it's really easy to blow by the cues that are pointing to it and the places where you're actually able to access it. So I love that as the answer you gave Anita and that's the best way to utilize Cognomovement . And Liz and Bill will say the same thing of like they do their sessions all the time, but when they have something big, they reach out to each other to help themselves work through those boulders in their nervous systems. We all do that.

Anita (14:58.85)
Yes. And it's very important that you do the session also. Because I have people that say to me, wow, how do you do it? I'll just do like this and like this. Yes, sometimes another time. And I say, OK, but you can do it now and you can be finished with it. So it's like it's a very much resistance about doing it.

But that's the whole point. Do it and you're over. Yes.

Katie Wrigley (15:30.773)

Yep. Yeah, and that it's funny that resistance thing. I've probably spent more time and energy in resistance than in doing the work.

Anita (15:42.798)
Welcome to the club!

Katie Wrigley (15:47.638)
So like less and less the more I do it. So at this point I'm like, this is stupid to be in resistance. You already know how this works. Like the resistance is the worst part. It really is. The fear of facing it and the resistance to it, that is the worst part. I'm not gonna say that the next part isn't gonna be easy, but you're already in the worst part. It's not gonna be any worse. It really won't. Would you agree Anita?

Anita (15:56.129)

Anita (16:11.03)
Yes, because I have always been a person. If I find something I'm afraid of, I just go for it. Because I can't bear to have things I'm afraid of stop me. So just jump in.

Katie Wrigley (16:22.9)
Yeah. Yeah.

Tump in, that is a good way to do it. And that, mean, there's a lot of science behind that. Mel Robbin talks about the five, four, three, two, one to get it out of, to get ourselves up and going because the longer we have to think about something, the less likely we are to do it. So being able to dust up, scares me, let's go. Like your mind doesn't have time to think, it's like, we're doing it, okay, let's go pay attention. But you don't have time to be as scared because now you're in action. You don't have time to think about how you feel about it.

Anita (16:43.468)

Anita (16:55.552)
Yes, fear is only something you are playing with yourself to get something excitement here. So it's it's okay. Yes.

Katie Wrigley (17:04.723)
Yeah, it is. Yeah. So what are you looking forward to next, Anita? What are you most excited about now?

Anita (17:13.896)
to live my life like I want. With happiness, passion, humor, love, abundance, with nature and Mother Earth, whatever, with kind people who are helping each other and just go with the flow. That everybody can do whatever they want to do. That's my goal.

Katie Wrigley (17:41.942)
I love that. And I want to touch on something you had shared when you were introducing yourself at the beginning of the episode. And you had said, I believe it was in 2017 where you had actually attempted suicide because you couldn't handle the pain anymore. How far away does that version of Anita feel from who you are now? Eight years later.

Anita (18:02.438)
my god, she's gone. She's gone.

Katie Wrigley (18:05.28)
Good, good, I'm so glad.

Anita (18:06.592)
It's no more thinking, no more wondering, it's completely gone.

Katie Wrigley (18:13.728)
Good, good, I'm really glad to hear that. And it's so exciting to see what's gonna be coming next. Do you still experience any pain at all? And it's okay if you do, just curious like what's changed with that? So we already talked about how much more you're able to do now, but are you still experiencing any physical pain at all,

Anita (18:16.621)

Anita (18:34.734)
After the session, the body can... I can feel the brain in the start where there was lots of pain because the brain was working and my sight is something I see very well and then I see bad again and now I'm pretty honest and I have bled down there after every session.

Katie Wrigley (18:44.629)

Katie Wrigley (19:03.115)

Anita (19:04.056)
but not last one so that's good so it's very rare what the body is doing after session but it lasts maybe 1, 2, 3 days and it's gone that's the pain I experience now but I don't know that it's gone again so pain in my body now now then I have to hit me I think

Katie Wrigley (19:05.908)
Yay. Yep.

Katie Wrigley (19:19.264)

Anita (19:33.186)
something, I don't time any pain, no.

Katie Wrigley (19:35.178)
Good, good. And I want to just expand on what you were sharing because this is a real outcome that can happen with a Cognomovement Session. You can have a period of time where you actually feel a little less comfortable than you did ahead of time. It's temporary. And also the reason that Anita didn't start bleeding after last period is we've kind of modified what we're doing.

I figured out what was triggering the headaches and the discomfort. So we scaled back a little bit. So we're still able to do an effective session together, but the movements aren't so big. So it's not as disruptive to the nervous system. And so that's one of the things as a practitioner that I do is, and it takes a couple of times to learn someone's nervous system. And I like to err on the side of caution. And Anita is a bad-ass. I can really push her nervous system. I can't do that with everybody else.

And because everybody's nervous system is different. And so when I can push it, I'm going to because that's going to be the best outcome for you and have the most impact. But the last thing I want to do with someone who's in chronic pain is make them feel worse for even a few days. Like, so that's been one of the things I've been really working on as a practitioner. And so I'm glad that you're really openly shared. Like, yes, there is some discomfort after a session, but then you feel

so much better and it's continuing to move forward and build for you.

Anita (21:01.004)
Yes, also in the beginning, the beginnings there when I was learning, there's always the small session. Also, I was a little bit dizzy also. I felt the heart was banging and ooh, but I understood that that had something to do with the session.

Katie Wrigley (21:02.475)

Katie Wrigley (21:11.38)

Katie Wrigley (21:21.438)
Yep, yeah, and so when we're dealing with the nervous system, which is the master system in the body, so this means that because it's the master system, it's going to touch the other systems in the body, including endocrine, which I may be wrong, but I think endocrine has the hormones as part of it, or that may be a separate system, but it's going to every system in there. And so I have had many women who are perimenopause or menopause report that they started to get their period again.

or for women who are struggling with it when they're younger or still in reproductive years, they've mentioned that we've actually smoothed it out and made it easier. One of my colleagues actually in the UK, she focuses solely her practice, her cognitive movement practice around women with menopause to help make it easier for them. So we are 100 % touching the hormonal system in there as we're working the nervous system and putting the body into a more resourceful state.

Anita (22:18.168)

Katie Wrigley (22:18.824)
And so what Anita is talking about that can happen. Sometimes people don't feel much of anything. And sometimes people forget what even happened in the session. We call that cognitive amnesia. So one last question, Anita, before we start to wrap up. I'll actually, it'll be second to last, because I'm going to leave it with you just giving a piece of advice to everybody.

How important would you say patience is with the Cognomovement Process? Because I hear a lot of mixed things from other clients, but I'm curious from your own perspective, because you've done a lot of cognitive movement at this point, you've made incredible results. How important would you say patience is to this process?

Anita (23:06.51)
I will put it like that if you want yourself to do well feel well and Get the results you want in life Then I then I had it's like you're investing in yourself It's like okay. I'm feeling bad. Okay. Do I have to do that? No, I don't have to do that if it just take five minutes with Congo

Katie Wrigley (23:25.493)

Anita (23:36.364)
and it's over. So it's like you are, if there's something you like very, very well and you go buy it and you are finished about five seconds to drink it or eat it. It's like that. This is good for me. I do it and that's over. So it's more like I see it as I invest in myself. And then I invest in myself.

Katie Wrigley (23:52.886)

Katie Wrigley (23:56.948)

Anita (24:06.222)
Everything else also change as it's so crazy positive with Cogno Everything is so amazing because everything is a positive. So invest in yourself. Yes. If you don't have patience with yourself, do a Cogno session. Take you five minutes. It's over.

Katie Wrigley (24:09.258)

Katie Wrigley (24:35.657)
Love it.

Anita (24:36.61)
but don't push yourself. Do it when you want to do it, when you feel like, maybe I should do something good for myself now. Do it.

Katie Wrigley (24:46.718)
Yes. Yeah, it is important that we're ready to do this work because it can be grueling. Sometimes it's not fun. The outcome is always worth it, but sometimes the process, sucks. I'll be honest. Like, I don't think enough people call that out as a truth is sometimes when you're in the middle of it, it's messy. It doesn't look good. It sucks ass and we want everything to move forward. And then this beautiful thing emerges from that. But

Anita (24:51.437)

Anita (24:59.661)

Katie Wrigley (25:16.106)
That can be a part of it. And yeah, and then it can be helping yourself to do it even when you don't feel like it. But being ready is really important. And that doesn't mean that you're not still scared. The fear is normal. But you'll know when you're ready because the idea of life continuing the way it is, is not something that appeals to you. When you are at that point, you're ready.

Anita (25:29.152)
No. Yes,

Anita (25:40.654)
I used to say to people if they hurt or whatever I say okay what will that what are they doing for you why will you keep it is there something positive for you to keep it and then I find the answer and then I ask okay is there something you want to do forward or do you want to do it

Katie Wrigley (25:50.334)
Mm. Yes.


Anita (26:07.646)
We treated it and put something else in now. it's... Many people we do it at once, but many people also want to wait. So... But that's okay.

Katie Wrigley (26:23.156)
Yep, I love that. It absolutely is wherever you are.

Anita (26:24.586)
If you have progress, if you have 10 progress in a year or one progress, doesn't matter. You are doing it. You go forward.

Katie Wrigley (26:35.86)
Yes, that is beautiful, wonderful advice. Whatever progress you're making, the progress is what we celebrate. Not how much. It's any progress is worth celebrating. Any, any step. Celebrate it, please. So that was great advice. Is there any other advice you want to leave the listener with today before we wrap up, Anita?

Anita (26:45.442)
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Anita (26:57.646)
Is it allowed to thank you? I want to thank you for every session because you are a way something. You have so many skills, especially the pain and if you don't know what you feel or what you are going to take, you can just talk to you and you catch it and we do it. So you are so good at what you are doing.

Katie Wrigley (27:00.682)

Anita (27:27.694)
Especially for people who have lots of pain, chronic pain, trauma. You are just perfect for that. Your skills are so good. You are just knowing it. So thank you.

Katie Wrigley (27:37.974)
my gosh, thank you.

Katie Wrigley (27:44.79)
my goodness, I'm speechless. I wasn't expecting that. Thank you so much, Anita, from the bottom of my heart. I love working with you. You are so much fun to work with and you make so much progress every session. You make my job easier because you show up and any resistance you may have had, I don't see it when we get into the session. You show up and you bring it and I have so much respect for anyone who shows up with the level of commitment that you do. Thank you for that.

Anita (27:52.11)
It's the truth!

Anita (28:13.016)
Yes, thank you for you.

Katie Wrigley (28:15.838)
All right, well that is a wonderful note of gratitude. And so thank you to the listener for joining us today. I know you have a lot of things to listen to on the web and I really just thank you for taking the time to listen to this show and taking something that you can implement into your life and help improve not only your quality of life, but the quality of life of those you love as well. So join me again next week. We're gonna have another amazing episode and until then, please be well.

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