The Catapult Effect
Welcome to The Catapult Effect Podcast, designed for two distinct groups: professionals ready to transform their challenges into growth and resilience, and first responders seeking to counteract the stress of their demanding work.
Each episode will feature either:
- Expert Interviews: Insights from leading experts to help you catapult forward quickly.
- Solo Episodes: In-depth discussions providing a deeper understanding of your current experiences.
Season 2 is dedicated to first responders.
Season 3 focuses on professionals.
Don't miss out on Season 1 when it was known as The Pain Changer®. Discover valuable wisdom on pain management and various techniques to reduce pain.
Tune in and start your journey to transformation and resilience!
The Catapult Effect
The Power of Coaching + Hypnotherapy with Michele Moliter
In this episode of the Catapult Effect podcast, host Katie Wrigley interviews hypnotherapist Michele Molitor about her journey into coaching and hypnotherapy, the power of the subconscious mind, and her program 'Reclaiming Your True Self.'
They discuss the importance of emotional healing, the impact of stress on the body, and how hypnotherapy can facilitate rapid transformation. Michelle shares her insights on personal growth, the process of healing, and the significance of community support in women's empowerment.
Hypnotherapy works at a subconscious level, enhancing traditional coaching.
- The amygdala can hijack your brain, affecting decision-making.
- Emotional junk can weigh you down; it's essential to release it.
- Healing is a process of peeling back layers of trauma.
- Community support is vital for women's empowerment and healing.
- Listening to transformation recordings can rewire neural pathways.
- Stress can manifest as physical ailments if not addressed.
About Michele:
Michele Molitor is a trailblazer in personal transformation. Utilizing her expertise as a transformational coach, clinical hypnotherapist, speaker, and author, her work intentionally addresses the pervasive mental health crisis we face today.
Michele’s expertise focuses on empowering professionals to overcome anxiety, self-doubt, and the stress that often saturates relationships and work environments. Her approach is practical: to bring dignity into our communications that foster emotional well-being through genuine acceptance, belonging, and meaningful connection – with ourselves and others.
Working with clients one-to-one, in groups, and with teams to facilitate empowered conversations, her unique Rapid Rewiring™ approach effectively combines the science of positive psychology and neuroscience with the healing powers of somatic and mindfulness practices.
The results? Tangible improvements that make a real, lasting difference in people’s lives.
She is a thought-provoking guest expert, speaker, and writer on the topics of imposter syndrome, perfectionism, burnout, and the value of bringing dignity back into the workplace. She is the co-author of the #1 internationally best-selling book & Companion Journal: “I Am Perfectly Flawsome: How Embracing Imperfection Makes Us Better.”
Reclaiming Your True Self Journey - Women's only program
Credit: Tom Giovingo, Intro & Outro, Random Voice Guy, Professional ‘Cat‘ Herder
Mixed & Managed:
Disclaimer: Katie is not a medical professional and she is not qualified to diagnose any conditions. The advice and information she gives is based on her own experience and research. It does not take the place of medical advice. Always consult a medical professional first before you try anything new.
Katie Wrigley (00:00.592)
Welcome back to the Catapult Effect podcast. I am your host, Katie Wrigley. I have an amazing guest with me today. Recently, I joined this absolutely incredible mastermind called the Boss Academy, and this is one of the fabulous members joining me today. So stay tuned because we are going to be talking to hypnotherapist Michele Molitor, and she is going to be telling you about this absolutely incredible program that she has created that is designed exactly for you and what you're looking for in 2025. So stay tuned.
that's coming right up. Thank you so much for joining me today, Michelle. And I would love it if you could introduce yourself to the listener and just tell them a little bit about what you do and how you help.
Michele Molitor (00:42.237)
Sure. Well, thanks so much, Katie, for having me on your show. I'm delighted to be here and so happy that we met through Boss Academy. It's such a wonderful, warm community that we're a part of there. I am a coach and clinical hypnotherapist. I've been a practicing coach for over 23 years now and added the magic of hypnotherapy into the mix of things about seven years ago, because I found that hypnotherapy is a
Katie Wrigley (00:51.736)
It is.
Michele Molitor (01:09.437)
powerful way to deepen coaching, to deepen therapy because it works at a subconscious level, whereas coaching and traditional talk therapy work at a conscious level. So combining the two together along with positive psychology, somatic therapy, mindfulness, I really take a very holistic approach to helping women create well-being at a mind, body, spirit level.
because we all are very hardworking and we're usually overworking and overgiving and people pleasing and not really taking very good care of ourselves. So my goal, my mission is really to help women reclaim the parts of themselves that have been lost along the way due to toxic careers, toxic relationships, challenging childhoods.
whatever that might be that just hasn't really gotten processed effectively so that they can create lightness and being well-being and greater joy.
Katie Wrigley (02:18.826)
I love that. I love everything you stand for. And we've had some great conversations around the power of accessing the subconscious mind and what becomes available when we dive under the surface of the water, so to speak. There's so much there. Speaking of that, I think you'd probably be the perfect person to ask this to because I've just said that really awesome grammar to go me. But
I think you can answer this much more professionally than I can, but how much of our mind is actually conscious, Michelle? And how much is subconscious slash unconscious running beneath the surface?
Michele Molitor (02:54.641)
Yes, absolutely. So our conscious critical thinking mind is only 10 % of our active brain power versus the 90%, which is your subconscious unconscious mind, where a lot of the automatic functioning happens, right? And in the, at the subconscious level, your limbic brain is really driving the bus. It runs your breathing. It runs your heart rate. it
include your fight, flight or freeze mechanism that your amygdala really handles. She's in charge of that. I like to call your amygdala Amy. Amy's in charge of that. And Amy just wants to keep you safe and alive and on the planet. And she doesn't always have updated, you know, manuals to operate from. So she might think that that fear, that threat is a saber-tooth tiger coming at you when it's just a mean boss.
Katie Wrigley (03:32.335)
We'll have that.
Michele Molitor (03:52.925)
or an unhappy family member who's barking at you and it sends a shock through your system and creates cortisol and adrenaline to run through your system. And Amy can hijack your brain. When your amygdala takes over, you actually lose access to your prefrontal cortex. And that's what happens while you get that deer in the headlights look, right? Like, where did my brain go?
Katie Wrigley (04:14.768)
Michele Molitor (04:22.447)
I can't make a decision right now. sometimes it can take moments, minutes, or hours even for that part of your brain to come back online. So it's really important to be able to access those deeper parts of yourself because that's where the trauma lives in our body and on our nervous system.
Katie Wrigley (04:43.352)
Yes. Thank you. was such a nice succinct way of really like honing in on how the brain's working there. And I've heard similar about the amygdala is running the show. And one of my colleagues, for anybody who's watching, she kind of uses her fist to show the brain and what you're talking about in the prefrontal cortex goes offline. So now you've got us this little almond, the amygdala, running the show and no executive function over it. And it's what you just said. It's you can't think. You literally can't think.
Michele Molitor (05:13.117)
Yeah, yeah, it literally has like your blood leave your extremities, it dials down your immune system so you can run faster. That's why the adrenaline pumps through your system. But which is fine in a moment, right? But when you have chronic stress going on in your life, maybe you've got a very toxic boss that you're dealing with, or maybe you're in a toxic relationship, unfortunately.
And that cortisol levels and those adrenaline levels are always on high alert. It creates a deep toll on your physical being and that dis-ease, that discomfort can very quickly turn into disease and chronic issues like IBS or chronic migraines or back pain or all sorts of things that you don't necessarily associate with stress.
Katie Wrigley (06:11.04)
Mm-hmm. Yes. Yeah, and thank you for pointing that out. So if you're noticing that some of those things that Michelle just mentioned are happening to you, check in with your stress level as well. There may be something else going on there. So just double check with yourself what else is going on and reach out to Michelle.
So how did you get into coaching? So you said you've been a coach for 23 years. So how did you initially get into this field?
Michele Molitor (06:35.521)
the short answer is I got bullied. I got, I got bullied out of my high tech career. I was a creative director in high tech, here in Silicon Valley and I had hired, two really smart people to be on my team to support their work we were doing. And very quickly they made it abundantly clear that they didn't like working for a woman.
Katie Wrigley (06:38.512)
that's a good dressing answer.
Katie Wrigley (07:01.7)
Michele Molitor (07:02.297)
and me in particular, and they did a lot of ugly things that really took a devastating toll on my confidence. And I was already like working 80 hours and fretting every night, like, am I getting it right? Am I getting it right? Am I doing enough? And their constant barrage on my character and my work behind my back and in front of clients,
just really broke, broke my confidence down and ultimately led to me getting let go. And so it created a crisis of confidence, imposter syndrome. My perfectionism went through the roof. I was terrified to hand my resume to anyone. And I discovered coaching to help me figure out, well, gosh, what do I do next? And in the process of that, it was a whole heart spirit.
kind of like lightning bolt moment of, this, this is the work I'm supposed to be doing. So I, I pivoted my career. got trained and certified and hung out my shingle in 2001 and I've been doing it ever since.
Katie Wrigley (08:17.156)
No, I love that. I hate that you were bullied, but I love that that's what you did with it. That's so cool. That's hell of a way to deal with bullying.
Michele Molitor (08:24.633)
Well, you know, I always, I always like to say the universe is always whispering in your ear, trying to get you to the place that your soul is asking you to be. Right. And it was, I wasn't listening apparently. And so it kind of shoved me off bus. Like, no, that. No, not that. Cause I actually went and got another job with another startup and six months later, I got laid off again, but short changed.
$40,000 because they ran out of money. The hundred million in private funding never quite got there. And then 9-11 happened. So it was like a one, two, three punch of like, no, not that, no, not that, no, really, what matters to you? And so it had me really stop and pause, like, what is really important to me? And making million dollar websites wasn't it.
It was like, how do I help people in a way that's meaningful? So it's led me to this place and I just absolutely love what I get to do and help people reclaim the lost and hidden parts of themselves.
Katie Wrigley (09:37.81)
wow. I love that. That's beautiful. The lost and hidden parts of themselves. And that's such a powerful place to get back to. And a lot of times in my experience, you know, doing similar work to you, people don't realize how far they've gotten from themselves. Do you see that a lot too, Michelle?
Michele Molitor (09:53.521)
yeah, absolutely. you know, we oftentimes we just go with the flow. Life just took me this way and I went down this path and I started on this career and I'm making good money. So I keep doing it. And then, we got married and we had kids. And next thing you know, they wake up in their thirties or forties and fifties and go, what am I doing? Why am I doing?
Why am I doing this? Do I want this? I, how did I get here? And that's where your quote, midlife crisis shows up, right? Or in my case, I called it a spiritual awakening. Cause I felt like I had been shaken abruptly by the shoulders and like, no, not that. Now figure it out. I was like, yes ma'am. Okay, I'm on it.
And so some people do that and they come out the other side and they go, that was such a blessing to have that event happen in my life. So I could figure out what it was that I'm really supposed to be doing. And other people, you see this a lot. let me go buy a Porsche or, or Corvette or a go have an affair or move to another country. But the interesting thing is everywhere you go, there you are.
Katie Wrigley (11:20.553)
Yeah, yeah.
Michele Molitor (11:21.145)
As John Cavett said, so if you don't pause and do the deeper work to see what your soul, your heart is really asking you to do, you will continue to have the same issue show up over and over and over again until you get the lesson. And that voice will get louder and louder and louder. And it might show up as, you know,
Katie Wrigley (11:39.588)
Yep, yep.
Michele Molitor (11:49.551)
a cold and then it might show up as an illness and then it might show up as a car accident or cancer or worse or worse or worse, right? So I believe that if we actually listen, we can find our way through the challenging parts and find the blessings in them always.
Katie Wrigley (12:11.704)
Absolutely, and I just want to take a moment and validate what you just said because that was my story to a tee was ignoring it. So early childhood trauma, I repressed and high levels of anxiety. And then as I turned to adult years, it's turned into addiction. And then I had back pain starting in the 90s from a car accident and I ignored that. then it was, I my asthma got worse. And then
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I was diagnosed with all this other stuff and by the time 2016 rolled around, I was breaking out in hives every single day and I still wasn't paying attention and my allergies were so severe that I had to take an antihistamine year round plus Flonase plus during pollen season, I usually also had to take mucinex and I needed a cortisone shot plus I had a special filter for my loft. I take quercetin now as a side note. That's what I do for allergies and I'm fine.
much to your point, I ignored all of it and my aha moment came after my body crumbled under all the stress. It's like, okay, you're not listening to me, then I'm putting you on your ass and you're staying here until you listen. And that's basically what happened until I started to pay attention to my body, tap into it, cool my nervous system down.
things were rough and then starting to do that, like that's how I started to get my life back. So I just wanted to kind of pause and be like, yep, what you're speaking is a hundred percent the truth. But the thing is we don't the same way I didn't, we didn't correlate all that. Like when I was disabled, I wasn't going, I've been under the most stress I've been under for years. This must be related. No, I needed someone to point that out to me. Like now I'm like, now I can do the correlation on my own, but then like, I don't know why this is happening. I had a knee replacement. I'm just not healing. Yeah.
No. There's so much going on.
Michele Molitor (14:04.827)
Yeah, I had a, I had a similar, well, similarly different. I, I, I woke up on Thanksgiving day and my back went reee. I was like, uh-oh, that's not good. I could sit, but I couldn't stand and I couldn't walk for very long. And that went on for months and months and months and three rounds of quarters, all shots to my spine was like, ha ha ha ha no, we don't care. And.
Katie Wrigley (14:20.344)
Michele Molitor (14:34.009)
Sadly, it took the death of a dear friend unexpectedly, and putting together her ceremony of life and just sitting and crying for three hours at her, at her, at her wake. And it was like, all the crying, was like all this unprocessed pain from a lot of things that had happened earlier in my life.
a failed marriage, a lost baby, all sorts of things that I had never really dealt with. And that combined with seeing an osteopath, literally my pain went away in two days, like that. And it never came back. I was like, I don't know what just happened, but I'm very grateful.
Katie Wrigley (15:22.448)
Michele Molitor (15:30.845)
It was such a huge aha moment of connecting all of the pain that was unprocessed. Like, I was just carrying around that in my sciatic nerve. Right. And when I was able to finally release it, the pain went away, you know, and it's, it's interesting, difficult, painful to watch my, my mother who is 87 suffer from
Katie Wrigley (15:42.607)
Katie Wrigley (15:47.482)
Michele Molitor (15:59.709)
chronic IBS. And I just found out this weekend that she's got severe sciatic going on and she's
From the outside, you wouldn't think that she has any stress. Why would she be stressed? She has a beautiful life, but there's some stress in there that she's not dealing with. And as much as I tell her, I'll, just go to the doctor. Like, okay, mom, you do what you do. You do what works best for you. I understand. But it's like, there's another way, right?
Katie Wrigley (16:35.209)
Thanks another way, please, please.
Michele Molitor (16:36.465)
There's another way you don't have to be suffering like this, but.
Katie Wrigley (16:39.95)
Nope. Yeah. The parental part can be tricky. I've got I'm so lucky that my parents actually started embrace some alternative modalities like my dad's doing red light therapy, they'll do cognitive movement. And I'm like, thank God, it makes me like I still don't have the full buy in. But my God will take what little bit I've been given. This is great. Any little thing that they do is helping them more. yeah, that resonates a lot about wanting the parents to have the same pain free.
Michele Molitor (17:03.067)
I love that, I love that.
Katie Wrigley (17:09.004)
existence that we do. Yeah, so tell us about your program, Michelle.
Michele Molitor (17:15.623)
So I've worked with men and women all over the world. I do all my work over Zoom and it's allowed me to see the common themes of stress that come up. And last year I got another download. I call them downloads, like paint this now, write this now, right? So it was create this now. And so I created this program.
Katie Wrigley (17:34.832)
You too.
Michele Molitor (17:43.469)
specifically for women called Reclaiming Your True Self, a Journey of Healing and Transformation. And it's a four-month small group program just for women. It's not a mastermind. It's truly healing and transformation because it combines not only individual coaching and hypnotherapy tools, but group coaching and group hypnotherapy, along with somatic therapy and mindfulness and positive psychology.
Over these four months together, they're able to support each other, to be that soft shoulder to lean on, to come to a place where people feel seen and heard and they can let down the armor and the facades of, I'm okay and everything's okay and I'm taking care of it all, when most women are overgiving, overdoing and not taking care of themselves in the process.
Katie Wrigley (18:41.811)
Michele Molitor (18:42.589)
So it's for those amazing professional women who have successful careers, have plenty of accolades, but there might still be some imposter syndrome going on, some toxic perfectionism perhaps. They're feeling overwhelmed and burnt out and they know something needs to change, but they don't know what or how. And so through...
the one-to-one conversations I have with each person, I'm able to see really clearly where those stuck spots are in their nervous system. And we do an individual hypnotherapy session with them to start some of the immediate healing. And then over the program, then we have three more group hypnotherapy sessions. And each one of those contains a customized recording that I make for my clients, which is
Katie Wrigley (19:19.024)
Katie Wrigley (19:40.015)
Michele Molitor (19:41.711)
a combination of binaural beat music with my very soothing hypnotherapy voice. And think of it as listening to an old favorite song over and over and over again, right? You listen to this as you drift off to sleep at night. And the repetition of that is what drops it into your long-term memory. So it, it's more than just, this is a nice affirmation that I'm saying to myself. It becomes who you're being.
Katie Wrigley (20:02.65)
Michele Molitor (20:11.727)
and overlays the old neural pathways that say, I'm not enough. I'm not doing enough. I'm not lovable. I'm not worthy. And literally repaves them with new neural pathways of I am enough. I believe in myself. I've got this. It's okay for me to pause and take care of myself. Right. So it's a really powerful way for women to get some support and some community.
and some healing at a much deeper level than they've experienced before.
Katie Wrigley (20:47.332)
That program sounds amazing and I love how you mix the individual one-on-one time with the power of the group as well. So you already kind of touched on this, but I just want to put it into a nutshell. So a program like this that has the hypnotherapy, has a somatic work, has the coaching, has all of those extra tools from all the skills that you have built over the years, what are people going to get out of this program that they wouldn't get out of like a traditional coaching program? What are all those extra tools? What are they getting with that, Michelle?
Michele Molitor (21:17.565)
That's a great question, Katie. Because as we said earlier, right, coaching works at a conscious level only, right? You can do affirmations at a conscious level and that has degrees of work, right? But when you dive deep into the subconscious mind and you make the repairs there, the transformation goes much, much more quickly, right? And so that's why I call my work rapid rewiring.
Katie Wrigley (21:25.424)
Katie Wrigley (21:42.628)
Michele Molitor (21:47.005)
because we're rapidly rewiring the neural pathways so that you suddenly are sitting up a little taller and holding yourself more confidently. had one client several years ago, her husband said to her, what are you doing? You're taller. She's like, no, I'm not. He's like, yeah, you are, you're taller. Right? Because she just, her presence expanded because she was feeling lighter. It's, I,
half jokingly say, we help you eliminate the emotional junk from your trunk, right? Because we all got old emotional residue that we're carrying around. Some of we know about, some of we don't. And so I'm very intuitive and I'm a great listener. So I can very quickly go, people think, this is the thing I'm here for. Like, no, no, it's this thing way down here.
Katie Wrigley (22:21.008)
I like that.
Katie Wrigley (22:29.594)
Michele Molitor (22:44.485)
about five layers deeper than that. And then I go, And I want to share with folks that just because we go deeper doesn't mean it's scary, doesn't mean that we're reliving trauma. That's not the idea nor the point, right? It's like watching it on a separate TV screen, like, look at that thing that happened to me when I was in that relationship. Yeah, that was really crappy. But now from this place,
Katie Wrigley (23:08.002)
Michele Molitor (23:12.601)
as an adult in this moment, I can see that I'm safe. I can see that I'm not in that place anymore. And I can change my mind about how I see myself. Right? So it's, that's where the, the semantics and the mindfulness come in, because just like in meditation, you're watching the water. Right? So in hypnotherapy, it's kind of like what we do. We watch
the watcher, but in a trance alpha brainwave state to go, I'm not in that place or space anymore. I'm not five. I'm not 10. I'm not 20. I'm where I am today. And I can change my mind about how I felt then and how we want to feel now. That is more empowering. That is uplifting. That feels lighter than carrying around the heavy burdensome.
stuff that oftentimes other people put on you like here take my shame take my guilt because I don't know how to carry it so I'm going to make you bad and wrong so then I can dump it on you.
Katie Wrigley (24:21.346)
Yeah. Yeah. And shame and guilt are the two heaviest energetic levels. Like if you look at David Hawkins' power versus forces as a map of awareness, shame's incredibly heavy. Like it is like, it's so heavy. I have a couple of questions with that. So I think one of the things I hear you saying, and I want to call it out if I am hearing this correctly, because it's part of the amazing thing that you're giving people with this work.
So it sounds like some of these are just gonna be like automatic. So instead of them trying to talk themselves into it or using that very finite supply of motivation that we have at any one time, they don't actually have to dip into it all that much because that overlay you talked about is gonna help those patterns go deep. Did I hear that correct?
Michele Molitor (25:06.993)
Yeah, so essentially I'm giving you these transformation recordings. And with each new one, you listen to it as you drift off to sleep at night. They're intended to have you fall asleep because even when you're asleep, your brain's always on. It's always listening, right? So let your brain do all the heavy lifting while you're taking a nap. Big fan, right?
Katie Wrigley (25:26.074)
Katie Wrigley (25:32.154)
Michele Molitor (25:32.317)
That way, the more you listen to it, the more quickly those neural pathways are created that then drops it down into your long-term memory much, much more quickly because your conscious brain isn't going, no, I don't know about that. I don't think I like that new rule. You're changing the rules. Amy gets very particular, right? Amy, your amygdala is like, are you sure? I don't know if that's safe. Yes, it is safe. I promise you, Amy, now go to sleep. Right?
Katie Wrigley (25:51.841)
You right?
Katie Wrigley (25:58.212)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One of the bad things to know about Amy is she's always going to choose a familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven. That's always going to be her preference. You got to show her that heaven's actually better.
Michele Molitor (26:10.383)
Absolutely. I like that unfamiliar hell. Familiar hell with an unfamiliar heaven. Absolutely. She's
Katie Wrigley (26:17.296)
think it was a quote I saw on Instagram, but I love it. was like, ooh, that's truth. That's truth right there.
Michele Molitor (26:21.851)
That is truth. Because your brain just likes what's familiar. Because that's what the neural pathways do, right? The more you travel down a road, the deeper the ruts become on the road. And if your road happens to be, I'm not enough, I'm not worthy, I'm not lovable, you got some deep ruts. So Amy's going to be like, okay, it's like, she's got this stake in the ground. I am the protector of, I'm not enough. And you're like, no, no, no, we don't want that anymore. Here's a new sword to stand with.
Katie Wrigley (26:25.858)
Katie Wrigley (26:38.32)
Katie Wrigley (26:45.648)
Michele Molitor (26:49.533)
I am enough. What? are you sure? Yes, I'm sure. Take it.
Katie Wrigley (26:53.264)
Yeah, yeah, and that one, oof, that's a pattern that comes up a lot for so many people because we get that programming at a young age, you know, of children should be heard and not seen and your neurology can take that as, I'm not good enough. Even if it was just you mouthing off in the middle of church and your mom wanted you to zip it, like that is enough for your neurology to be like, I'm not enough.
Like it doesn't have to be a big thing. It doesn't have to someone abusing you. And those teeny tiny moments that you don't even remember, which is exactly why the work you're doing, Michelle, is so powerful. That's where you get those big releases. That's where you get those big shifts. And then it's just gone. And you don't have to navigate it anymore.
Michele Molitor (27:19.035)
Yeah. Right.
Michele Molitor (27:33.489)
Yeah. Yeah. It's, one of my favorite quotes, from one of my teachers, Marissa Pierre is, lie to your brain, cheat your fears and steal back your confidence. Right? So at first you have to tell yourself, of course I'm enough. Of course I'm enough. Of course I'm enough. And Amy's going, no, not. No, not. No, I'm not. And, right. Let me show you all the proof of why you're not enough.
Katie Wrigley (27:56.528)
Let me show you. Let me show you. Let me show you.
Michele Molitor (28:03.537)
But the more you repeat that, the more those neural pathways get built and it quiets her voice until she goes, okay. Right.
Katie Wrigley (28:16.728)
give up. and then the other question I had, and this has been my understanding, and hopefully it's true because I've, I've said it to people, but, you mentioned that there's sometimes people are afraid of that, that deeper thing. And I've seen that and I felt that myself. I'm like, I'm really afraid of what's in this. And in my experience, the resistance to and the fear of what's there are 10 times worse than anything I'm going to find. And
Is it also true as part of that that the subconscious mind isn't going to reveal something to us that we can't handle? Because that was something that I Okay, good. That's what I would tell people. Like it's not going to tell you because they're like, what if I find out someone makes me go crazy? It's like you're actually more likely to drive yourself crazy by avoiding whatever is there.
Michele Molitor (28:52.785)
Yes, you're-
Michele Molitor (29:05.521)
Yes, absolutely. I want you to think of it as like peeling the layers of an onion. You can't peel the inner inside layer, the very center until you peel all the other outside layers, right? So personal growth and development is always a peeling of layers. There's always going to be a new level. My colleague said, new level, new devil, Michelle. was like, I know, I hate that. But you're right. Because once you peel off a layer, you're like,
I feel all shiny and new and then you start to expand and expand until you come up against the edge of your comfort zone now in this new expanded format you're like ooh, that feels right and you start feeling uncomfortable again because there's another layer of trauma that wants to bubble up and be removed so you've got to go through the top layers before you get to the inner kernels
Katie Wrigley (29:59.608)
Michele Molitor (29:59.941)
And by that time, when you get to those endocrinals, you'll have done enough work to go, that's not nearly as scary as I was expecting it to be.
Katie Wrigley (30:09.262)
Yep. Yeah. I thank you for saying that. And thank you for validating that. I was telling people because they're like, as you were saying that, like, really hope I have not been misleading people because that could be messy because some of the traumas that people have gone through, you want to make sure. And that's one thing I tell you. Like, you want to make sure you're ready to do this work. And you want to be ready. It doesn't mean that you're not scared. You can be scared and ready.
Michele Molitor (30:30.193)
Right, right.
Michele Molitor (30:36.197)
Absolutely. I still do this work and I still get scared. Like, but on the other side of it, you're like, that feels so much better. Why did I wait so long to do that? Like, it's like, why have I been wearing this heavy coat in the middle of summer when I could have just taken it off and be like, thank goodness.
Katie Wrigley (30:49.456)
Katie Wrigley (30:59.832)
Yeah, yeah, I actually had one of those today. That's why I'm giggling. was giggling at the dream thing, too, because I had the craziest dream last night that this guy was like sitting in a lifeguard chair and he was like responsible for everything that was going on for some reason. And his name was Dan. I don't even know a Dan in my con. Not that I can think of. If Dan, you're listening and I don't know. You're so sorry. I forgot. I do that sometimes, but he's in this lifeguard chair. But it's like inside kind of looks like the kitchen in a Christmas story.
And then this dog that had no teeth and was missing an eye suddenly puts its mouth over my dog's head and clamps down. And I'm like, Dan, it's all your fault. I don't even know who Dan is. And I'm my gosh, my dog. And then Tangee's like, like shaking her head in the dream. And I'm like, she's fine. I'm like, no, the dog doesn't have any teeth. Only has one eye. Like, Dan, what the hell? This was up to you. I just tell my best friend, I'm like, I don't even know what Dan.
I'm keeping myself conscious to sort out those. So I'm flipping through it.
Michele Molitor (32:01.245)
Maybe Dan is just a part of you that is trying to, you know, right? I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, we can have a whole other conversation on pulling that apart.
Katie Wrigley (32:05.84)
I'll let my dog. I don't know. Yeah. I have crazy dreams sometimes. I was I got a little bit of an aha download actually as you were talking. But yeah, I was giggling because one of my mentees, I mentor in the cognitive movement program and she gave me a session thing and she did an amazing job. And what came up was that
It was first it was I'm always forgetful and then it wasn't actually that it was forgetful. But then ironically, it was that I forget I have time because I wasn't properly utilizing my time. And the funny thing was, much to the point of like, why did I have to do this for so long? Why did I have to have this park on in 90 degree weather? I've got a note on my board. I've got a whiteboard over to the side that I put there years ago that says there is enough time when I prioritize.
Michele Molitor (33:04.573)
Excuse me! Look at this! Right here! Right here!
Katie Wrigley (33:05.072)
I needed someone to give me a session today, go into my subconscious mind, and now I've got my steps to like seriously. Do you see my nose? I can't find it. Where'd it go? Where'd it go? it's right there. And that's that starts to be the fun part of the work is just like, did I seriously need to like, apparently I did because I wrote that note years ago. I've got artwork in the other room talking about the same thing. This has been an ongoing pattern with me.
Michele Molitor (33:34.851)
I love it. I love it.
Katie Wrigley (33:36.016)
I'm like, I run out of time because I waste it. What happens if we stop wasting it? Let's see.
Michele Molitor (33:42.023)
Yeah. squirrel.
Katie Wrigley (33:44.304)
Yes, yes, very much so. This has been awesome. So where can people find you, Michelle? And where can they sign up for your program? I'll make sure that we have links to both of those in the show notes.
Michele Molitor (33:56.221)
Sure. So you can go to my website and I'll give you a link to the Reclaiming Your True Self journey. And yeah, on the Reclaiming Your True Self program page, you can learn all about it, get all the details and just you can schedule a complimentary and confidential call with me if you'd like to talk more with me and find out more. Or you can just register there on the page too. So it's very affordable.
Katie Wrigley (34:24.078)
Michele Molitor (34:25.66)
It's going to be a great program for a small group of women. There's only a few spots left. So, I would love to have those who this resonates with, reach out and say hello and ask me all the questions that they want to ask me. So it's a, it's going to be a beautiful way to start their new year off on solid footing by letting go of that junk in your trunk and, find more joy and find the vision and the path ahead for you.
is really your heart's calling.
Katie Wrigley (34:58.128)
That's beautiful. Thank you, Michelle. That's a perfect note to end on. Thank you so much for your time and joining me today and sharing your wisdom and also sharing your offer with the audience. And I really encourage you to reach out. I actually sent the link to Michelle's program to one of my clients because it sounds so friggin amazing from everything I've heard and is exactly what that client needs. So I'm really excited to hear what happens to her when she takes the program. And I encourage you to reach out to Michelle and do the same and set yourself up for the most amazing year.
you could ever have in 2025.
Michele Molitor (35:30.663)
Well, thank you so much, Katie. I sincerely appreciate you and having me on your show today. This has been so much fun talking. We can probably talk for hours of days, I'm sure of it.
Katie Wrigley (35:37.549)
It has been. Thank you so much.
We could probably, I think if we ever, yeah, if we didn't have time constraints, Michelle, we would probably talk each other ear off three, four, five hours and just keep going between the animals and the subconscious and all the things and yeah. All the good stuff in life. Awesome. Thank you again for joining and thank you listener for being with us today. I know you have your choice of so many things to listen to and watch out there on the internet. And I really appreciate you taking time to watch this and putting it into action.
Michele Molitor (35:54.031)
All the fun places. Yes.
Katie Wrigley (36:11.182)
so that you can transform your life. And until next episode, please be well.